Privacy Policy (relating to practise)

About Us

Natasha Dorey

The Purpose of this Notice

This notice is designed to help you understand what kind of personal information is collected with regard to my services, what it is used for and how it is stored.

What is Personal Data?

Personal data is information relating to an identified or identifiable person. Examples include an individual's name, age, address, date of birth, gender and contact details. I collect your name, address, and contact details as part of my record card taking. I may contact you by email/ private messaging on social media, or telephone to follow up on enquiries, making appointments, sending you courtesy reminders for future appointments, or sending invoices. These methods of contact are in your interest and are considered a legitimate means of communication with you to provide a smooth-running service.

Personal Data Collected

In order for me to provide a thorough service for you, I will collect personal data to enable the service to be provided. This will be collected either verbally or electronically via email / other forms of messaging. This data will only be used by me and not shared with any other third-party. Any personal data will be kept in a locked filing cabinet, in a locked room or on a password-protected file on a password-protected computer.

Your Rights

Individuals are provided with legal rights governing the use of their personal data. These grant individuals the right to understand what personal data relating to them is held, for what purpose, how it is collected and used, with whom it is shared, where it is located, to object to its processing, to have the data corrected if inaccurate, to take copies of the data and to place restrictions on it's processing. Individuals can also request the deletion of their personal data.

Protecting Your Data

I will take all appropriate technical and organisational steps to protect the confidentiality, integrity, availability and authenticity of your data.

How to Contact Me

Please see the Contact page on this website for details.
